Healthy-Weight-Supermarket.comPresents the“Phoenix Protocol”which fundamentally changes how your body works
by safely boosting metabolism while you lose weight.
The “Phoenix Protocol” shows why starvation diets fail.
When you skip meals or attempt starvation diets, your body goes into
“starvation mode.”
Your body chemistry changes stimulating hunger and cravings.
Your body cannibalizes muscle tissue and organ tissue
to make up for the energy you are not getting from food.
Metabolism slows because muscle & organ tissues burn most of your calories.
The “Phoenix Protocol”
provides your body with the essential nutrients
needed for optimal health and lean tissue preservation,
but less just enough calories to lose about 2 pounds of fat tissue per week.
Your lean tissues are protected and supercharged, boosting metabolism.
Your lean tissues burn up the energy in the food you eat,
and then they burn up fat tissue for weight loss.
The “Phoenix Protocol” empowers you to
control your weight instead of it controlling you!
The “Phoenix Protocol” offers guidelines with great tasting food choices
for breakfast, lunch, dinner, deserts, snacks, and beverages,
making weight control easy to manage and pleasant to your palate.
Healthy-Weight-Supermarket.comFood choices that taste great, control weight, & promote health!
Weight Loss from Fat Tissue (2 pounds per week on average).
Enhanced, Supercharged, & Protected Lean Tissue to Boost Metabolism.
You feel better, and you have more energy.
Controlled Hunger and Cravings.
Easy to follow, practical, and livable guidelines.
Great tasting food choices for breakfast, lunch, dinner, deserts, & snacks.