"Our son, Eli, recently switched from another Martial Arts school to Mr. Howard's Black Belt Acadey School. For various reasons he was discouraged at the other school and it broke my heart to see him lose confidence in himself. Mr. and Mrs. Howard were extremely sensitive to Eli as he made the transition and we are so thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Howard for their kindness and generosity of themselves. Eli now expresses that he feels like he is learning, getting a good workout, making friends, and looks forward to each class. I enjoy being part of the friendly atmosphere at the school when I go to watch. The change was definitely positive."
Carol Hansen - mother
My son, Cole, struggled with self-image and coordination problems from an early age. He has been helped so much through this sport. I now can see it transfer to his pose and polish as he competes in speech and debate.
Laura Cooper - mother
Since Ryan has begun attending Taekwondo we have seen a definite improvement in his self esteem and his ability to focus. Ryan has always been hesitant to become involved in activities due to anxiety. Howard's ATA is the first place that Ryan has not only felt comfortable, but looks forward to going to. For the first time, Ryan is truly proud of himself and his accomplishments.
Rhonda Koebel - Mother
"As my daughters and I have progressed in our Taekwondo classes at Howard's ATA, I have noticed an improvement in our confidence in our ability to learn the material as well as perform in front of a group of people. Plus...we have fun practicing together as a family!"
Branches and additional offices:
(573) 636-53242801A W Truman Blvd Jefferson City, MO 65109-0545
(573) 302-00093797 Highway 54 Osage Beach, MO 65065-2138