Orthodontic Consultants of Saint Louis: Orthodontic practice for adults and children using state-of-the-art techniques. Our modern facilities are located on The Boulevard, off South Brentwood Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri
Don't forget to download your forms, print them and fill them out before your first visit. It will save you time when you arrive.
It is helpful if you schedule your next appointment as you leave each visit; this will enable us to offer selections that best suit your busy schedule
Appointments that require more time (i. e. bandings, removals, longer adjustments) may be scheduled between 7:45am and 11:00am, and between 2:00pm and 2:30pm.
Please be considerate and contact our office in advance if you need to reschedule your appointment time or date.
We now offer an email appointment reminder service. To subscribe please FOLLOW THIS LINK.
We thank you for choosing our office for your orthodontic care and we would like to make visits here as pleasurable as possible. Please feel free to approach us with any comments you might have regarding your dental care.
Download, Print, and Fill out your required medical forms before your first visit:
You can elect to fill in your PDF forms online and use the SUBMIT button to send them to us via email:
(Requires Acrobat Reader)
Confidential Health History (interactive)
Privacy Notice (interactive)
Our Insurance Policies (interactive)
Your Insurance Information (interactive)
You will need the most recent version of Acrobat Reader to use these forms properly. You can download this free reader on Adobe.com by following this link.
Welcome to Orthodontic Consultants of St. Louis
Orthodontic Consultants of Saint Louis is committed to providing quality care in a comfortable and efficient environment. Our state-of-the-art techniques and facilities are constantly updated enabling us to offer our patients the most comprehensive and timely treatment available.
Few orthodontic groups are staffed by doctors with such accomplished qualifications and professional involvement as Drs. Nissen and Hoeltzel.
Check out the iBraces App in the iTunes App Store
iBracesHelp is a free, informative application for people wearing braces or those who are interested in getting orthodontic work done. The application is full of useful information, pictures and videos on caring for your braces and what to do if you have problems with your braces.
Orthodontic Consultants of Saint Louis Now Offers Email Appointment Reminders
Subscribe to receive email appointment reminders from Orthodontic Consultants of Saint Louis.
Announcing: Patient Forms Available For Download
You can now download and fill out your required registration and insurance forms at home.. where you have all of the information at your fingertips.