Welcome, and thanks for visiting the website of Florissant Injury and Pain Relief Center, your one-stop shop for learning what chiropractic is, and how it can help you. Also, if you are suffering from any condition in specific, we would be glad to help educate you about that given condition, and use our chiropractic treatments to restore your health. Please take a few minutes to browse our site, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
When bending and lifting use your legs with the object close to your body. Do Not Lift the object while bent at your waist. Definitely do not bend and twist while picking something up. This is a leading cause of disk injury.
Our practice specializes in treating a variety of conditions, from chronic low back and neck pain to rehabilitation following an accident or injury. We can also provide information about improving your diet, creating a healthier workplace, and increasing the overall quality of your health. .