Bethel Lutheran School is dedicated to providing excellent education in a Christian environment and a culturally diverse setting for children age three through eighth grade.
What we do
Bethel Lutheran School seeks to nurture the spiritual, cognitive, physical, emotional and social growth of each child according to his or her unique abilities and challenges. Daily worship and lessons in the Christian faith and in the Lutheran tradition, and myriad opportunities for stewardship lead Bethel students to meaningful expressions of their spirituality. Bethel School addresses the cognitive needs of the child with a curriculum developed from national standards recommended by professional organizations representing science, mathematics, social studies, language arts, art and music. Physical fitness and health education are included in each day's instruction. As part of a Christian community with a rich tradition of diversity, Bethel Lutheran School promotes understanding and acceptance within its community by facilitating discussion of emotional and social issues at school and at home.
Small class size and multi-grade classrooms contribute to Bethel's mission of nurturing the child as a unique individual. Instruction is focused on the developmental learning stage of each child, rather than on a specific grade level. Multi-grade classrooms enhance the learning environment by offering mentoring and peer tutoring opportunities. Working with the same teacher and classmates for more than one year provides continuity and stability for our children, and results in a comfortable, familiar learning environment. Bethel Lutheran School is committed to creating a loving, supportive and safe environment for its children.
This web site is a vehicle to inform about school activities, opportunities and needs, and to get input from all who share an interest in Bethel Lutheran School. It is also intended to introduce the internet as communication and educational media to those unfamiliar with it.
The BethelKids web site, produced for Bethel Students, Bethel School Family and Friends, welcomes your questions and comments. Please tour the site and make suggestions for improvement. Contact information is below.
Summer Fun Program
Bethel School offers a Summer Fun program for students three years old through fourth grade. There are five two-week sessions; each session is organized around a particular theme. Field trips each week and classroom activities complement the session's theme. Call 314-863-3111 or download a brochure/application here.
Our fundraising activities involve label saving and ink cartridge, cell phone and can collecting for recycling. We always appreciate community support for any of these endeavors.