Manor Grove does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. For further information about this policy, contact: for resident issues
Lisa Hardebeck, Admissions Coordinator/504 Coordinator or for personnel issues Debbie Ditch, Executive Secretary/504 Coordinator
You'll Feel Right at Home
At Manor Grove long-term care we would have it no other way. Everyone feels at home the moment they walk in the door. That's because Manor Grove is not a facility or an institution - we are home, not a home. With our home-like atmosphere and caring staff, Manor Grove has spent the last 100 years earning a sterling reputation for providing a comfortable, safe and secure home in an inviting home-like atmosphere of respect and dignity.
In a stately, traditional setting with manicured grounds, Manor Grove is conveniently located in the peaceful neighborhood of Kirkwood just minutes from Interstate 44.
understanding dementia - no person ages in the same way
a broad range of skills to meet the level of care residents require, valuing people as individuals, and remembering people for who they were as well as who they are now.
Our residents are individuals first and foremost, and their fulfillment and peace of mind is our prime concern. You are always welcome at Manor Grove, a not for profit long-term care residence that treats people with deference, dignity and individual attention.
Development by jWeb New Media Design // Manor Grove • 711 South Kirkwood Road • Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 • 314-965-0864