Welcome to First Baptist Church of Chillicothe, MO!
Take a few moments to browse our site. Take special notice of the CHURCH CALENDAR tab to see what's going on, as well as the individual tabs that interest you. If you're in town, please stop by for a visit... we'd love to meet you!
Throughout the site you'll find links to PDF files (fliers, sermons, etc). If those files don't open for you right away, you may need the program. You can get the FREE ADOBE ACROBAT READER HERE. (click "GET ADOBE READER")
If you are a church member or regular attender who would like to add something to our church calendar, please have it to the church office in print or e-mail form by Friday. The event will go "live" the following Monday.
Please bear with us as we make this site as informative and attractive as possible!