DAWN D. MANZXcellence Realty,Inc.2665 Hickory View LoopLakeland, FL33813Ce: 863-670-8812 Send me an email Web: www.lakelandsales.com
Thank you for visiting me on the web! I'm excited about the opportunity to know you. Whether buying or selling, Excellent Service is my Promise to You! I offer personalized service designed to guide you through the buying and selling process. You need the advice of a market expert and I'm here for you every step of the way. I know that choosing a Realtor who has the tools, skills and experience to make your dreams come true can be as challenging as the home buying process itself. Let me make it simple for you - Call me today at (863)-670-8812. Thank you for putting your confidence in me and I look forward to speaking with you soon! Dawn
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce http://www.lakelandchamber.com/
Lakeland Economic Development Council http://www.lakelandedc.com/
Lakeside Village (Lakeland Retail Shopping) http://www.shoplakesidevillage.net/home.aspx
International Plaza & Bay Street (Tampa Retail Shopping) http://www.shopinternationalplaza.com/
Mall of Millenia (Orlando Retail Shopping) http://www.mallatmillenia.com/experience/experience.htm
The Terrace Hotel http://www.terracehotel.com/
Polk County School Board http://www.polk-fl.net/
Polk County School Board Zone Finder http://www.polk-fl.net/schools/zf.asp
Explorations V - Children's Museum http://www.explorationsv.com/
Lakeland Parks Information http://www.lakelandgov.net/parkrec/
Lakeland Property Appraiser http://www.polkpa.org/
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Good communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. You can count on me to provide you with the information you need on a schedule and in a manner that suits you best...