The Plaza Academy is unique among Kansas City's schools because we have three institutional missions: education, social service, and research. The Plaza Academy was founded to serve exceptional teenagers who were unsuccessful in their previous schools in spite of their potential. We care for gifted and talented teens who have academically advanced beyond their peers and who require a more adult academic and social environment. We specialize in working with teens that have learning disabilities or deficits that require a specially designed curriculum and daily individual attention, and still other teens that have socially and developmentally outgrown traditional schools.
The Plaza Academy is accredited as a special purpose, special function high school by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools under whose auspices we deliver our academic services. The Plaza Academy is also A Missouri Approved Private Agency under which we deliver our psychological and familial services.
The Plaza Academy is a working research institute wherein we assess and adjust our daily interventions within Single Subject Research Design methodology: we report these empirical data to parents each day. With proper confidentiality safeguards, we also communicate our students' success to our referral agencies and other responsible parties.
Our staff is dedicated to the principal that scholarship is a precursor to citizenship. We believe that all teenagers hold the potential for exemplary performance in school and as citizens. Thus, The Plaza Academy was founded to provide an academic and social environment wherein teenagers acquire the skills to be scholars and citizenswho improve their community.
Dr. Gary O. Seabaugh delivered the commencement address to graduates of the University of Missouri at Kansas City , May 9, 2007.