Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer
Prevention and Healing clinic integrates traditional internal medicine with Alternative and Complementary medicine for the management of chronic illness when conventional approaches alone have failed.
"My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so bad?"
New environments bring new health problems. Conventional medical treatments never deal with the reasons why illnesses exist. They frequently create new health problems as side effects in their attempts to treat symptoms.
Modern medicine has been very successful in dealing with many serious infectious diseases and acute medical problems, but now we are facing greater challenges.
We are dealing with chronic illnesses based on their symptoms such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Allergies, Hypoglycemia, Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Attention Deficit and Memory Loss, and later diagnosed with Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer's, and many others.
These chronic illnesses are strongly influenced by our life style, diet, toxins and environmental factors that are often dismissed as problems beyond our control. But we don't have to accept and live with these labels.
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