Community Action Corporation
stablished in 1965, North East Community Action Corporation (NECAC) has been managing and delivering an abundance of social service, community health and public housing programs to the low-income, elderly, youth, handicapped and disadvantaged through contracts and grants with federal, state and local governments, other not-for-profit agencies and private businesses.
ur Mission is to assist the disadvantaged within our service area in their efforts to rise above poverty by providing needed services to enable each individual to function at his or her own improved financial, physical, mental and social level.
ur Mission Statement: "Empowering People, Changing Lives, and Building Communities."
ur promise is changing people's lives, embodying the spirit of hope, improving communities and making America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people, help themselves and each other.
Branches and additional offices:
(660) 385-34981720 Prospect Dr Ste B Macon, MO 63552-2615