We offer the most reasonable rates in the Springfield/Marshfield area!
We can provide economical boarding for your pet because we are family owned and operated!
Now you can get away and relax, knowing your pet is receiving the love and care they would receive in their own home!
During the winter months, we will be scheduling times for dropping off and picking up your pet.
It is important to our guests that customers observe our kennel hours. Off hours provide for periods of quiet relaxation. Rest times are a crucial part of maintaining a low stress atmosphere. Since we are a owner operated, 7 day per week operation, it allows us time for relaxation as well. Thank you for observing our hours!
Due to our busy schedule and our guests being our 1st priority, please call us at 417-859-2739 to schedule a tour as opposed to just showing up. This will allow us to schedule plenty of time to show you our facility and also let your pet sniff around!
We require that each pet be vaccinated against Rabies, Distemper, Parvo and Bordetella before staying with us. You can bring a copy of your pets vaccination record from your vet at the time of check-in.
If your pet requires medications, we will gladly administer them at no additional charge. Please label the medication with your pets name and dosage instructions.
We provide high quality dry foods. However, your pets regular food from home, packaged and labeled, is a good idea to prevent your pet from stomach upset. We will feed your pet according to your instructions. We will not need your pets food or water bowls. We provide stainless steel bowls that are washed and sanitized after each feeding.
All of our rooms are complete with beds, mattresses, sheets, blankets and pillows. You are welcome to bring any bedding that might make your pet more comfortable.
Toys are always welcome. We encourage you to bring your pets favorite toy to make them more comfortable during their stay.
We ask that you keep your pet treated with a flea & tick preventative, preferable Frontline or Promeris, so they will be free from fleas while boarding with us. This is also for our other guests protection.