Lasertek, Inc. is a remanufacturer and distributor of quality, hard copy imaging supplies. Our primary focus is recycling/ remanufacturing of imaging products and quality service. One of our greatest assets is "excellence in quality" in our products, our service, and in our people.
Lasertek is a professional toner cartridge remanufacturer based in southwest Missouri, USA. We use premium toner in all of our remanufactured toner cartridges so that you, our valued customer, can be assured of getting the best possible quality remanufactured toner cartridge we can offer.
All of our toner cartridge cores are pre-tested before they go to the remanufacturing process to insure good electrical continuity. Also, our toner cartridges are post-tested in actual printing applications by our in-house technicians to insure that we have produced the very best quality cartridge for you.
Unlike the common "drill and fill" cartridges that many of our customers have experienced from other companies in the past, our technicians completely rebuild our toner cartridges by replacing worn out or unsatisfactory components. We go the extra steps in the remanufacturing process so that our toner cartridges have the best possible chance to go the distance in any and all printing applications.
We handle an extensive range of brand name toner cartridges, ink cartridges and ribbons to cover just about every manufacturer and the equipment that they produce.
Call today and let our inside sales team show you just how we can be of service to you and your company. At Lasertek, "We make YOU look good... on paper!"