Welcome to M.E.L. Inc., USA
In this web site you will find general information about Human and Universal Energy® (HUE) including a brief description about our educational program such as an overview of our seminar schedule.
The educational program consists of 4 levels (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Specialized) with a total of 8 seminar units (01 HUE to 08 HUE).
It explores the integral relationships among body, mind and soul. The founder was the Vietnamese Master Luong Minh Dang (1942 - 2007).
The primary objective is to promote a balanced state of body, mind and soul. It is based on techniques of energy transfer and meditation in order to help anyone achieve health, happiness and mental development.
After completion of the 01 HUE Basic-Level, a practical application in everyday-live, family and profession is possible right away.
There is no obligation to reserve the entire educational program.