The people of Kansas City Missouri face the same problems going on everywhere else in the country. With rising price of necessities such as gas and food, the housing market crisis, and slow job growth, it’s no surprise that many American families are facing growing debt.
If you are facing debt growing beyond your control, there are options available to you. One of the most effective methods of eliminating debt is bankruptcy. Here are a few things you should know.
One form of bankruptcy is a Chapter 13. The court will carefully review what the person or family owes, their income, other assets, and to whom the money is owed and will determine a payment plan to repay the debt. Chapter 13 programs are typically for people with assets to protect such as a home with equity.
Another common bankruptcy plan is a chapter 7. This is the one most people think of when they think about filing bankruptcy. Unlike the chapter 13 which is a reorganization of debt, chapter 7 eliminates debt. Chapter 7 plans are typically available for people with little or no assets to their name.
For people facing insurmountable debt, bankruptcy is an option to consider. The bankruptcy laws were created by the government specifically for Americans in just such a circumstance.
If you would like to find out more about bankruptcy, make sure you contact Legal Helpers. Begin with a free debt evaluation. One of our experienced lawyers will evaluate your unique situation and will help you understand your legal options. Begin today.