Thank you for your interest in the smart way to accumulate a lot of silver.Notice - Silver Prices have risen over 196% since the 2008 lows.
SilverSnowball - The FASTEST WAY to get Silver !!!
QUICK SIMPLE and FUN way to get more and more Silver !!! MASSIVE MARKET APPEAL Everybody Loves SILVER and GOLD !!!
How You Get Silver
1. Join the SilverSnowball "Coin of the Month" program. It's an easy convenient way to KNOW you are steadily accumulating real wealth. We ship your Silver Coins to you fast and also give you a free website.
2. Send people to your website. For every two coins purchased at your website YOU get a bonus ONE FULL OUNCE American Eagle Silver Coin. You also get additional bonus American Eagle Silver Coins on every two repeat customer coin orders for as long as you remain a member. We reserve the right to substitute an equivalent value of American Eagle Gold Coins depending on market conditions or shipping weight. Or, if you need cash now you can choose to get paid by check. Create an inflation proof income. If silver goes up you get paid more!
The simplicity of SilverSnowball is powerful. Once people start receiving silver and gold they want more and more. This creates a growing snowball of silver and gold coins going right to you from both new orders and repeat orders.
Maybe you only want one Silver Coin every month, or maybe you'd like to get a few hundred. It's up to you. Just join, send people to your website, and receive more and more silver and gold coins.
Note to marketers only - There is a growing interest in silver and gold. It's no secret that prices have been rising due to limited supply and more demand. Yet, only 4% of the population currently own precious metals. You do the math.
More and more people are becoming interested in owning silver and gold. They need to know about the program where a little gives you a lot of silver.
SilverSnowball is a smart way to begin. Feel real money in your hands again. And if you share the good news you can create a steadily growing stream of pure silver and/or gold coins delivered to your door.
Here's exactly what you get every month with your silver coin subscription:
You get paid on ALL coins sold.
SilverSnowball offers you a 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee and you can cancel at any time. With many experts expecting higher prices now is the time to accumulate silver.
If you have any questions you may write to admin @ silversnowball . com
Start getting silver now.
SilverSnowball Subscription: You receive monthly a one ounce American Eagle Silver Dollar coin and SS News - E-mailed updates on money, metals and marketing. Includes free "talking" marketing website. To order more than one coin click on Add to Cart then change the quantity. You may order 1, 2, 3 or 4 coins a month.
Note - to insure new members are correctly placed under the person who referred them, and to make sure you have the very latest version of our website, orders are manually confirmed before your website is released to you. Please allow a little time. After processing and confirming your order we will send a confirmation and then send you the latest version of your marketing website. Thank you for understanding how important it is to us and you, that you also get proper credit for those you refer.
Coins are shipped upon confirmation payment has been received. While subject to change due to market conditions (Silver Prices have risen over 196% since the 2008 lows), at present our Silver Snowball membership is only $46.50 monthly + $6 shipping (that's the total shipping rate no matter how many coins you are ordering and there is no shipping charge to receive the bonus coins you earn). This includes one ounce American Eagle Silver Dollar Coin(s) and SS News. We also give you a free marketing website and affiliate program that gives you unlimited bonus one ounce AE Silver Dollar Coins based on every two new AND repeat customer orders for as long as you remain a member. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cancel anytime you want to stop your Silver Snowball of Coins. Or continue and automatically accumulate real wealth every month as your silver coin collection grows.
A note about our pricing - With just two coins a month being purchased by your members you can be getting silver for LESS than many dealers. And being minted coins, American Eagle Silver Dollars are always sold at a premium over spot - especially right now. Plus you are getting a complete silver coin accumulation marketing system that automatically builds real wealth for you.
We don't attempt to give any investment advice. Precious metals prices will change. But we do note that while gold and platinum prices have just recently made new All-Time Highs, silver has some catching up to do to reach its old high of $50 an ounce. Inflation adjusted that's about $125 an ounce. Meanwhile the US Dollar was just recently at its lowest point in history and is worth about 4% of what it used to be worth. The best headline observed on that said "Worthless Dollar Now Worth Less."
Content in this video is shocking, alarming and must be watched by everyone. Watch It (World renowned financial author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, in a www.YouTube video)
Special Timely Notice - Right now Spot/Paper prices for silver have almost no relationship to the price of silver coins - especially American Eagle Silver Dollars. There is currently very high demand for silver coins and very little supply. And - The U.S. Mint just announced that it is significantly raising the premium on all Silver American Eagle coins. Because of this the premium which is the price of coins above the Spot/Paper price is at historically high levels. This is unprecedented.
How To Get Silver At Lower Prices - The price of your silver coins acquired goes down as you find people who purchase coins through your website.
For example, if you have a member or members buying 2 coins a month your price ends up being $23.25 per coin.
If you have members buying 4 coins a month then it's $15.50 per coin.
6 coins a month would works out to about $11.62 per coin. 8 works out to $9.30 per coin. 10 = $7.75 per coin etc. There is no limit how low the price can go.
We can not know how successful you will be and not every person who joins finds members. Many members are just customers who like the convenience of our service. Almost half our members purchase more than one coin a month and are happy to just build their collection of silver. And we do have many members who are receiving these "discounted" silver coins based on our simple marketing / coin bonus system - essentially paying MUCH LESS than getting coins elsewhere.
And on top of all that you receive SSB News - our monthly newsletter that said two weeks after the stock market made its all time high that stocks could crash by 50% within two years. We were a little conservative with that call since it only took a year. What's the value of saving our subscribers half of their retirement savings? (No guarantees that every forecast will be correct but many are.) And members rave out our superb, responsive, caring and fast customer service. We answer our emails and phone calls. We want you to succeed.
The chart below might be the most important chart on this page. Here's what Michael Maloney, the author of RichDad's Advisors Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, had to say when the chart was "only" at $1.5 trillion in late 2008:
"[This is] a chart of the monetary base (all paper dollars and coinage in existence). It took 200-years for the monetary base to go from $0 to $800 billion, but in just the past 3-months it has grown from around $800 billion to $1.5 trillion, and by the time you read this it will probably be surpassing $1.6 trillion. That's double the number of paper dollars in existence since last summer!"
It turns out Mike was a little too conservative as the more recent chart below shows the monetary base has hyperinflated to 1.7 trillion, with no signs of stopping.
What might the above chart mean for you? Here's what Brent Harmes wrote in a recent issue of the GoldSilver Newsletter:
"In Mike's book he shows how past precious metals bull market have continued until the value of the gold ounces held by the government rises in price to equal the value of the currency supply at the time. And this has not even come close to happening yet.
What he (Mike Maloney) said last month in the newsletter:
"But this time, for history to repeat, and for gold to do what it did in 1980, 1934, and hundreds of times throughout the world going all the way back to Athens in 407 BC, it will require a gold price of over $10,000 per ounce... And that's if they turn off the printing presses today!"
And it could happen very quickly. No one knows exactly how this will play out."
I just want to point out that the historical relationship between gold and silver can reach 16 to 1, meaning that it would take 16 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold. At Silver Snowball we've got nothing against gold. But . . . theoretically speaking since we don't have a crystal ball, and there are no guarantees that history will repeat itself like it's done over and over, it implies that if gold were to go to $10,000 an ounce due to the hyperinflationary looking explosion of the monetary base as shown in the above chart it would mean silver could go to $625 an ounce.
Again, this is not a prediction or an investment recommendation. Silver might go back to $2 an ounce. Or when the public finds out silver is more rare than gold (according to Ted Butler there is about 4 times more gold than silver in the world since silver has been mostly "used up" as an industrial metal) perhaps silver could someday be worth as much or more than gold.
So pick your own number somewhere between $2 and $10,000. My only recommendation is if you like the idea of getting some American Eagle Silver coins and want to build a growing collection of them that you join Silver Snowball.
Did you know that if " could put all the silver available today into one big cube, it would only measure 37 feet by 37 feet by 37 feet, far less than people think" and it's such a limited supply, what might happen if some of the 96% of people who don't own silver decided they wanted some of that "cube" of silver? Do you think your silver coins might be worth more? Isn't it a good idea to get some NOW?
Why would anyone want to get paid in depreciating dollars when they can get paid in silver or gold?
Solution - Join our Coin of the Month program. Get silver. Earn silver. Be in the growing silver business. Start your SilverSnowball rolling and create an avalanche of one ounce American Eagle Silver Dollar coins.
Please contact admin @ silversnowball . com if you have any questions. We are here to help you succeed and prosper.
Start getting silver today. Order your first one ounce silver coin right now.
Articles about gold and silver About American Eagle Silver Dollars Earnings And Income Disclaimer
Disclaimer: The income examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same results. Each individual's success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication, background, effort and motivation to work. There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital. While information on this website is derived from sources believed to be reliable there is no guarantee that any opinions expressed on the outlook for silver, gold, currencies, financial trends, or any events in the future will be correct. Past results and trends do not guarantee that future results and trends will be the same.
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